Through our REST-api you can send commands to your devices such as queueing LoRa downlinks and including/excluding z-wave devices. This documentation is designed to compliment our swagger documentation and the url is
The way you can generally use downlink is as follows:
Queue a downlink, when the device is scheduled to recieve a downlink (depending on class) it will disapear from the queue
Get the queue, this is so that you, the user, can look at what's currently in the queue
Flush the queue, removing any queued downlinks from the queue
How to use these three commands differ from integration to integration.
ChirpStack downlink
Queue an item
method: PUT
"command":"loraAppServerQueueDownlink", //string, use as is
"integrationName":"ChirpStack", //string, use as is
"iotnodeId":"5d2c6561ecb9a30aa5fc3e41", //string, yggioId of the device
"data": {
"confirmed": false, //bool, we're currently not using confirmed,
"reference": "I sent this to configure blabla", //string, reference to the payload in plain text
"fPort": "5", //string, port
"data": "1111" //string, hex, payload to be sent to the device
Get the queue
method: PUT
"command": "loraAppServerGetDeviceQueue", //string, use as is
"integrationName": "ChirpStack", //string, use as is
"iotnodeId": "5d2c6561ecb9a30aa5fc3e41", //string, yggioId of the device
Flush the queue
method: PUT
"command": "loraAppServerFlushQueue", //string, use as is
"integrationName": "ChirpStack", //string, use as is
"iotnodeId": "5d2c6561ecb9a30aa5fc3e41", //string, yggioId of the device
Netmore downlink
Queue an item
method: PUT
"command": "apiCall", //string, use as is
"iotnodeId": "60a3b1fd26b01f00074aa625", //string, yggioId of the device
"data": {
"callName": "sendDownlink", //string, use as is
"callData": {
"devEui": "70B3D52C00019041", //string, devEui of the iotnode
"fPort": "2", //string, port
"payloadHex": "aaaaa" //string, hex, payload to be sent to the device